
The publicly accessible spectral imaging (SI) database serves as a critical resource for advancing the identification and differentiation of skin and soft tissue infection (SSTI) microbes in both laboratory and clinical settings. This repository is designed to store, manage, and share spectral images obtained from microbial cultures and in-vivo imaging of SSTI cases.

By centralizing a diverse collection of reflectance, fluorescence, Raman, and OCT images, the repository facilitates the development and validation of standardized image processing pipelines (IPPLs). Researchers and medical professionals can use this data to refine algorithms, improve diagnostic accuracy, and accelerate the translation of optical imaging devices (OIDs) into clinical workflows and full laboratory automation (FLA). This image repository is an essential component of the project, supporting the long-term goal of real-time, non-invasive SSTI diagnostics and ensuring widespread access to spectral imaging data for the broader scientific and medical communities.

Key benefits of our repository:

  • Data accessibility – A structured environment for storing and retrieving spectral images for research and clinical evaluation.
  • Algorithm development – A foundation for training and testing automated image analysis techniques, ensuring optimal sensitivity and specificity in microbe identification.
  • Standardization & collaboration – A resource that fosters collaboration among microbiologists, dermatologists, and imaging specialists by providing standardized datasets for further research and development.

Image Repository

Access and manage your images, and access other published images on our server, using the OMERO Web interface, or using the native client application. If you are a first time user, please note that you first need to register using the OMERO Web interface to be able to use the system. Here you can find basic instructions on how to use the system.

About the Project

The development of this website and service was developed as part of the project “Optical diagnostics of dermal infections” (OPTIDERM), funded by Croatian Science Foundation grant IP-2022-10-2433 and Slovenian Research Agency grant N3-0348. The main objective of the project was to facilitate translation of optical imaging devices into clinical practise and Full Laboratory Automation (FLA) for a faster and more accurate identification and differentiation of skin and soft tissue infections (SSTI) microbes. The project was conducted at the University of Rijeka, Faculty of Engineering AI lab, Faculty of Medicine and Clinical Hospital Centre Rijeka, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, and Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana.


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